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Domestic Violence in the Workplace

Domestic Violence is everybody's business.

Domestic violence has profound implications for the workplace, extending far beyond the confines of home. Victims often experience decreased productivity, absenteeism, and increased turnover due to physical injuries, emotional distress, and legal obligations. The pervasive fear of being tracked or harassed by abusers can compromise workplace safety and confidentiality. Co-workers may also be affected by witnessing or hearing about the abuse, leading to reduced morale and heightened stress levels. Employers face challenges in managing these impacts while navigating legal responsibilities and supporting affected employees through policies that offer protection, flexibility, and resources. Ultimately, addressing domestic violence in the workplace is crucial not only for employee well-being but also for maintaining a supportive and productive work environment.

Let's come together to understand how domestic violence impacts our colleagues, our companies, and what we can do to support survivors and foster a safer, more compassionate environment for everyone.

Domestic Violence in the Workplace Impact on Employees
Did you know?
The leading cause of death for women at work is homicide
Domestic Violence in the Workplace Impact on Productivity
Did you know?
The annual cost of lost productivity in the workplace due to domestic violence is estimated as $700million - $2 Billion with over 7.9 million paid workdays lost per year
Domestic Violence in the Workplace Impact on Employment
Did you know?
Nearly 60 percent of employees experiencing domestic violence reported losing their job as a result, either because they were fired or had to quit.
Domestic Violence in the Workplace Impact on Insurance
Did you know?
Victims frequently require medical attention and support as a result of abuse, leading to combined medical and mental healthcare costs of more than $4 billion a year
Domestic Violence in the Workplace Policy
Did you know?
The U.S. Bureau of Labor reports that only 30 percent of organizations have a workplace violence policy, and only 44 percent of those specifically address domestic violence