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Laurel House is dedicated to the vision of ending domestic violence in each life, home, and community.

The Mission of Laurel House is to:

  • Advocate for and empower those impacted by domestic violence by providing crisis intervention, safe haven, supportive programs, and resources
  • Advance social change through preventative education, community training, and collaboration to foster a coordinated response to domestic abuse

Laurel House is a comprehensive domestic violence agency serving individuals, families, and communities throughout Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. The agency's name was selected because of the beauty of the laurel, Pennsylvania's state flower. It represents a victory for people who have taken the courageous first step of reaching out to Laurel House in their efforts to build a violence-free life for themselves and their children.

The agency's first program, a domestic violence shelter for abused women and their children, was founded by the Women's Center of Montgomery County in 1980. In 1981, Laurel House was incorporated as an independent nonprofit organization.

Since that time, Laurel House has expanded its programs and services to become the comprehensive domestic violence agency that it is today. In addition to emergency shelter, Laurel House offers: a 24-hour hotline, a textline, transitional housing, a children's program, individual and group counseling, medical advocacy, legal representation and advocacy, crisis response, law enforcement collaboration, as well as community education and prevention efforts.

In 1974 a group of women, now known as our Founding Mothers, started talking about the concept of a Women's Center promoting the philosophy of "women helping women". Only eight...
Laurel House became incorporated as a 501(c)3 in 1981, and the next year hired its first paid Executive Director, Betty Aptaker. Things were steadily moving along. The Norristown property they...
The late 90s into the early 2000s was a period of expansion for both fundraising events and the formation of new services. Seeking to grow its fundraising activities to keep...
From the first hotline being established in 1976 by our Founding Mothers, to the acquisition of an emergency shelter, and the expansion of staff, programs and fundraising opportunities, Laurel House had...