LGBTQ & Domestic Violence
Domestic abuse affects all gender identities and sexual orientations.
LGBTQ Relationship Violence
Abusive partners in LGBTQ relationships use the same tactics to gain power and control as in heterosexual relationships. These may include physical, psychological, financial, sexual abuse and more. An abusive partner may also use societal factors to reinforce their tactics to maintain power and control.
You deserve a healthy and safe relationship. All too often members of the LGBTQ community are invisible victims of domestic abuse. Call our 24-Hour hotline at 1-800-642-3150 to speak with an advocate and get help.
Our Safe Haven Center allows Laurel House to accommodate male, female, and non-gender conforming individuals who are in need of safe shelter.

Power and Control
Abuse is about power and control. Even though two partners may be of the same sex, imbalances in power may come from differences in earning power or other factors. Examples of this can include:
- "Mutual battering" is rare. It is not a consensual "fight" since violence that includes control and domination is occurring.
- "Outing" a partner's sexual orientation to family members, friends employers, and community.
- Telling the victim that because they are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender, no one will help them, or that for this reason they deserved to be abused.
- Monopolizing resources through an abusive partner's manipulation of friends and family.
- Justifying abuse with the notion that a partner is not "really" gay, lesbian, transgender or bisexual.
- Threatening to take away the children from the partner.
- Making someone afraid by using looks, gestures, and actions.
- Using privilege, or ability to "pass", to discredit their partner, putting them in danger.